Dibujo y Acción realizados en una plaza pública en la ciudad de
Pachuca el 14 de febrero
Cal sobre adoquín
100 metros de diámetro
El título
de este trabajo hace referencia al ejercicio cardiovascular que sirve para el
fortalecimiento del corazón y la circulación de la sangre.
Se dibujó con una línea que contrasta en el piso, formando un
corazón de 100m de diámetro que es la mínima distancia que se recorre en una
competencia de atletismo, sin embargo se forma un circuito en lugar de una linea recta, el corredor viste para una cita y porta un ramo de rosas, recorre el perímetro de la línea hasta quedar exhausto (más de 90 minutos).
Drawing and action art in a public space in Pachuca City the 14th of february (lover's day)
Lime powder on Cobblestone
100 m. diameter
The title of this work refers to cardiovascular jogging which works for Strengthening the heart and blood circulation.
We made a single line drawing with the shape of a heart on the floor, 100m diameter that is the minimum distance for an athletism speed race, but instead of a straight line it forms a circuit. The runner wears as for a love date with a bouquet of roses and runs on the line to exhaustion (more than 90 minutes).
Drawing and action art in a public space in Pachuca City the 14th of february (lover's day)
Lime powder on Cobblestone
100 m. diameter
The title of this work refers to cardiovascular jogging which works for Strengthening the heart and blood circulation.
We made a single line drawing with the shape of a heart on the floor, 100m diameter that is the minimum distance for an athletism speed race, but instead of a straight line it forms a circuit. The runner wears as for a love date with a bouquet of roses and runs on the line to exhaustion (more than 90 minutes).
Registro fotográfico
(photographic record)
Créditos adicionales (aditional credtis):
Registro fotográfico (photographic record):
Marina Urrutia
Dibujo (drawing):
Janet Aguilar